Meet Floppy!
Floppy is a 3 month old, male, brown, Terrier blend. Floppy enjoys spending his days playing hide and seek with socks. One look at Floppy and you will fall in love, his cute little ears are what makes him prefect. Floppy is available for immediate adoption at our CCSPCA Adoption Center. Animal Center hours are 10am-5pm, 7 days a week (until 6pm on Wednesdays). The CCSPCA is located at 103 S. Hughes Ave. Fresno, CA 93706. For questions, please call (559) 233-7722 x 107 or email Adoptions@CCSPCA.COM
These are just a few of many, many animals here at the shelter and they may already be adopted by the time you come by. We don't like to risk a great home for any of our animals, so please understand that if you do not get to adopt these particular animals shown that others are waiting to be adopted by some loving person/people.
Spay Today, Neuter Now!
Spay Today / Neuter Now!!! Please, if you need help we can help just give us a call at 233-0115. Make sure your cats are micro-chipped that way they can return home faster if lost or trapped. This opens up space for cats that really need it. Help someone else spay / neuter their pet, do it for the animal.We always need helping hands to give our animals at the shelter all that they deserve. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Beth at 289-0374, or check our website at under the volunteer department. All volunteers will need to go through an orientation; we hold them one Saturday and one Wednesday a month. The dates are on the website and also on the phone line. There are many ways that you can help the animals, and save more lives. Please always be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Remember Spay Today and Neuter Now! Thank you for caring for all the animals of the Central Valley.
If you are interested in adopting a friend fur life…
CALL – (559) 233-SPCA (7722)
STOP BY – 103 S. Hughes
West of Freeway 99 and 1/2 mile south of Belmont Avenue