The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office most wanted person of the week is:
Michael Manelski of Fresno. A judge has issued a bench warrant for failing to report to court on a felony charge of elder abuse.
Manelski was riding in a vehicle and his elderly family member was driving. The two got into an argument, which resulted in Manelski punching the older man nearly a dozen times in the head and torso. The man was in significant pain, but was able to drive Manelski to his house and get him out of the vehicle. Afterwards, the victim drove to the hospital for treatment and he also contacted the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office to file a report. Deputies contacted him and document the assault.
The next week, deputies were able to locate Manelski and place him under arrest. They booked him into the Fresno County Jail. He was released four days later as part of a probationary pre-trial supervision agreement. He has since failed to report to his court hearing.
Michael Manelski is white, 43 years old, 5’10”, 200 lbs. with blue eyes and brown hair.
If you know the location of Michael Manelski, please call Crime Stoppers at 498-7867. All tips remain anonymous and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.