The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office most wanted person of the week is:
David Joe Barrera Jr. of Easton. A judge has issued a bench warrant for failing to report to court on charges of domestic violence, drug possession and being a felon in possession of ammunition.
Fresno County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a home where a disturbance was taking place. There they discovered David Barrera had gotten into a fight with his girlfriend and hit her in the face, causing her to bleed. After deputies noticed ammunition and drugs in plain sight, a search warrant was authored. Once a judge approved the search warrant, deputies recovered several rounds of ammunition and some methamphetamine. Barrera is a convicted felon who is not allowed to possess firearms or ammunition.
Deputies arrested Barrera and booked him into the Fresno County Jail. He spent one day in custody and was then let out after posting bond.
David Barrera is 40 years old, 5’8”, 230 lbs. with brown eyes and a buzzed haircut. He has a mustache and tattoos on both arms and his neck.
If you know the location of David Barrera, please call Crime Stoppers at 498-7867. All tips remain anonymous and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.