The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office most wanted person of the week is:
Trey Anthony Heard of Fresno. A judge has issued a bench warrant for failing to report to court on charges of assault with a firearm, battery, making death threats and possession of a firearm by a felon.
Deputies were following up on an investigation when they contacted the suspect, Trey Heard, outside a home on Buckingham Way in northwest Fresno. He was arrested for pointing a gun at people and threatening to kill them.
After being booked into the Fresno County Jail, he was released nearly six months later when he posted bond. He has since failed to show up to his court hearing.
Trey Heard is 25 years old, 5’6”, 190 lbs., with brown eyes and brown hair. He is a gang member who has a large tattoo across his throat and a tattoo above his left eyebrow.
If you know the location of Trey Heard, please call Crime Stoppers at 498-7867. All tips remain anonymous and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.